

About us

Have you ever hiked across mountain trails to find a stunning brewery waiting for you at the end, or been wandering through wine country, sampling the regional delights on route? Then you’ve come to the right place.

This is a love-letter to two of the most beloved things in this world: Hiking & Drinking. It’s an exploration into the parts of this world that open themselves up to discovery and good times.

The deeper purpose we out within these pages was to find bespoke trails that lent themselves to the particular drinks that helped define these exceptional areas. Hiking routes that tell stories about local areas through the drinks that they make, and how they make them. Whether its a day-long trek through vineyard country, or a weekend slog through the rugged whisky highlands, Hiking and Drinking is all about enjoying a good regional traipse with a satisfying drink to boot.

Throughout our ongoing adventures, our aim has been to find the best regional drinking spots with a certain legacy or heritage that have noteworthy routes throughout the area. The trails in which we detail slither though and around the sources of many of the drinks we enjoy on a regular basis, connecting breweries, farmlands, establishments, and more. Along the way we’ll discuss what makes these regions’ brews, wines, and other erstwhile drinks special, while providing you with all the information for you to find your own way, should you decide to follow in our footsteps.

More than anything else this is a dedication to the good times, about being outside, having fun and respecting the individual customs of different countries and regions. If you like what you read then make sure to follow us on Instagram, send us a message, and keep checking back as we post more, and provide more information about the forthcoming accompaniment book.

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